Virtual Study Club

Join virtual study club

Why study with others?

Get motivation from peers
Develop effective study habits, stay focused to complete tasks quicker.
Study room is a safe environment, moderated by our team of tutors

What is

We're best in the tutoring business. 98% of children had significant progress with us. All our tutors are top talents from Oxbridge, Warwick etc.

Who is the study club for?

Club is for children from Year 7 and up. Parent consent is required to subscribe. Are you homeschooled? Let us know to get extra benefits.

How does it work?

Children join a silent study room of maximum 50 students. General chat, moderated by our team member, allows you to ask subject specific questions and get help from peers or our tutors.

Is study club safe?

The audio and private chat is disabled in all study rooms for safety reasons and the public chat is moderated by one of our mentors. You can report any offensive behaviour.

Subscribe before May 1st and get 50% discount Special offer for home-schooled children

What others say?

Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star
"Home-schooling is great but I often feel really lonely. This club replaced the school for me. I can study in groups with peers from anywhere in the world. It’s a great way of staying connected and socialising."
Anne, Year 11
Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star
"I get so frustrated revising for exams all alone in my room. The club has helped me out so much, it really motivates me to work together with other people. I didn't realize how much I needed it. The moderation is on point too."
David, Year 8
Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star
"Seeing everyone working so hard really motivates me to get my work done. I love the timer and all the study tips I get from others. Everyone is respectful in Discord chats too."
Sophie, Year 10

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