Personal Statement that Gets You Accepted

Personal Statement

Personal Statement that Gets You Accepted

Why use Edumentors?

Edumentors is a mentoring platform where subject-specific experts
help you write the best university application essay to gain admission
into the university of your dreams

What is Edumentors?

Edumentors is an online academic mentoring service that helps students get into their dream university

How does it work?

Our experienced tutors can work one-on-one with you to help you brainstorm ideas and perfect your personal statement before submitting it

How do I choose a mentor?

We match tutors to students based on the course or degree program each student is seeking. The tutor helps you make your story relevant and special for that particular area of study

How much does it cost?

You can get your personal statement reviewed by a professional for only £50, and develop it from scratch for just £200

Your Personal Statement Is Your Chance To Shine Ready to start? Find mentor now

What others say?

Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star
"Edumentors tutors have helped me improve my personal statement, making it more relevant to the course I want to study. They've also made sure that all of my skills and experiences are listed in a way that makes sense for an admissions officer!."
Anna, Got into Cambridge
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"My personal statement is exactly what I was looking for, and even though it was a tough assignment, all my efforts were rewarded when I received an interview offer from one of my top choices!"
Lucas, Got into UCL
Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star Blue Star
"I was so impressed with the quality of my mentor's work that I decided to continue using Edumentors' service for 2 out of 3 A-level subjects and got As in both"
Kian, Got into LSE

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